Shahrodi Almond international merchandise trade

Purchasing 12 and 21 Shahroudi almond seedlings from the most prestigious nurseries in the country Royal seedlings without any intermediaries is one of the concerns that customers face. This nursery sends quality and standard almond seedlings through a passenger terminal for gardeners and customers. Dear all over the country has provided this important. For more information about Shahrodi Almond international merchandise trade, visit our site.

Shahrodi Almond international merchandise trade

The brief introduction to Shahrodi Almond

The brief introduction to Shahrodi Almond The sale of 12 and 21 Shahroudi almond seedlings in this nursery is accompanied by the registration of almond seedlings, health certificate and almond agricultural jihad license under the supervision of the organization’s engineers, as well as a phytosanitary clinic that makes more accurate production of better quality almond seedlings and seedlings It turns. Royal Nursery Nursery is ready to provide free advice to dear gardeners free of charge to buy the best almond seedlings and achieve the best results in the field of planting almond seedlings.

Resistant to spring frosts. Paper. High quality brain. Market friendly. Early yielding almonds Shahroudi is one of the late flowering almond species in Iran and has 40-35% kernels that are the origin of these almond seedlings. The bark is almost heavy, the base of this seedling is bitter almond and has a sweet seed. Annual seedlings bear fruit. Shahroudi almond seedlings can withstand temperatures up to -20 in winter.

These seedlings have both vegetative and reproductive stages. Vegetative stages: leaf bud formation, leaf bud flowering, leaf emergence, tree branch growth, leaf yellowing and defoliation Reproductive stages: fruit germination, fruit bud flowering, fruit bloom and formation, fruit growth and fruit ripening 26 types of almonds in Shahroud research station was studied. . 7-8-7 of this type are very late flowering, 15-15-18 are medium flowers and 17 and 21 are early flowers.If you decide to buy Shahroudi almond seedlings, Royal Nursery Nursery is ready to cooperate with you by producing and selling quality Shahroudi 12 and 21 almond seedlings.

It is worth mentioning the price of Shahroudi almond seedlings in this nursery because it is for purchase It is directly from the nursery and the intermediary has been removed. It is suitable. If you want to see the photo of Shahroudi almond seedlings, you can see the gallery section of our site. For more information about Shahrodi Almond wholesale, visit our site.

International merchandise trade of Shahrodi Almond

International merchandise trade of Shahrodi Almond International merchandise trade of Shahrodi Almond is done by our company all over the country, so our company also delivers this product to customers by observing health tips, and you can refer to our site for more information about Shahrodi Almond bulk.