Almond is one of the most valuable agricultural products produced in Iran, which is in great demand in the market. This product is found with two bitter and sweet flavors, the sweet type of which has more marketing. almonds calories is very much so it is a very suitable snack especially for children. Shahrodi Almond sale price in 202 is very convenient and almond applicants can order this product in bulk and in retail through this site.
How many almonds can you eat in a day?
Almond tree is one of the most delicious fruits produced in Iran, whose trees are planted in many provinces. One of the advantages of the almond tree, which has made it especially popular among farmers, is that the almond tree can dedicate itself to most climatic conditions. Various cultivars of this tree are planted according to the climatic conditions of that area.
The provinces of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Hamedan, Shahrekord and a number of other largest producers of almonds in Iran. Many varieties of almonds are planted in Iran, the most important of which is the almond cultivar Shahrodi. This cultivar is more suitable than almonds for planting in cold and mountainous climates because it flowers late and therefore its flowers do not die due to premature cold. The woody type of Shahrodi almond fruit is stone, so it is very suitable for export.
almonds nutrition facts is very healthy and energetic, so its use is always recommended by nutritionists. This product is rich in various salts that are used to treat various diseases. Almond kernels are embedded in the hard peel and can be found in various forms in the market. This product has countless products, the most important of which is almond oil. Almond oil is made more than almonds with a bitter taste and is used to treat skin diseases such as pimples and wrinkles. Another application of almond oil is to moisturize dry skin.
Shahrodi tree almond always has many fans in the market because the bitterness of this almond is very low, also the kernels of this product are large. Almonds are better to eat raw because some of its properties are lost due to salting of this product. Consumption of each fruit is useful in moderation. It is recommended to consume no more than twenty almonds a day because it may cause weight gain.
Purchase Shahrodi Almond at rational price
Almond is one of the economic products that has a high level of demand in the market. The price of almonds varies based on many variables and many factors affect the final price of this product. Economic problems also have a great impact on determining the price of this product. This sales center sends Shahrodi almonds to markets all over the country at a very reasonable price.